Disposable cutlery

( number of products: 109 )

Eco-friendly disposable cutlery

Eco-friendly disposable cutlery is a real revolution on the market, thanks to which each of us has a chance to say STOP plastic and other artificial materials and make a real contribution to a better world today. Disposable spoons, forks or knives made from nature-friendly raw materials are a much better option for restaurants, bars, food trucks and other food service outlets than traditional plastic cutlery, which not only become hazardous waste, but can realistically endanger our health. Opt for natural solutions and reach for eco disposable cutlery from SlowPack - they will work great in your premises, as well as at home - welcome!

Disposable eco-friendly cutlery - "eco" doesn't come from nowhere

SlowPack is organic packaging wholesaler and other products for catering and the home, which relies on natural solutions. We are aware that our planet is suffering greatly because of the countless amounts of waste, which, unfortunately - much of it is made of plastics like m.in. plastic.

Therefore, in our offer you will find disposable eco-friendly cutlery that will never litter the environment. Why?

The answer is their origin - wood, bamboo, C-PLA, wheat bran, palm leaves and paper - it is from such raw materials that they were made. These are materials in 100% organic and sourced from nature. By reaching for eco disposable cutlery from SlowPack, you are guaranteed not to buy anything related to artificial products.

Disposable eco cutlery - knives, forks, spoons and more. Learn more about SlowPack's offerings!

Our eco-friendly disposable cutlery makes up quite a large part of our overall range. However, this is not surprising - after all, they are the reason we can eat freely at any time. We are talking here not only about home conditions - there is no catering establishment that could run out of forks or spoons.

On our website you can find disposable eco cutlery really for every occasion and for every kind of food. You will find products such as m.in.:

  • spoons,
  • spoons (smaller version of eco spoons),
  • fingerfood spoons (ideal for small snacks),
  • ice cream spoons,
  • knives,
  • forks,
  • forks,
  • spoon-forks,
  • chinese chopsticks,
  • ready-made picnic sets.

The above list, however, does not fully capture how functional and versatile are our eco disposable cutlery. This is because they occur in various sizes and shapes, making them easy to match with really any kind of snacks or larger dishes.

Biodegradable disposable cutlery - zero worries about decomposition!

Due to the fact that our eco disposable cutlery is made only from certified natural materials, they have biodegradable properties, which means that during decomposition they pose no threat to the environment. They do not emit any harmful compounds into the atmosphere, quickly becoming a natural fertilizer.

The cutlery offered in the category similarly eco disposable packaging whether biodegradable disposable dishes and other SlowPack products are a guarantee of quality and satisfaction. We encourage you to browse the full range of our wholesaler and take a step towards a better world. By buying cutlery, crockery or eco-friendly packaging for your premises or home, you will show others that the fate of the planet is not indifferent to you!

We cordially invite you and wish you successful shopping. SlowPack - the natural choice.

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